E v e n t s




International Seminar led by Shihan Yukimitsu Kobayashi

24th - 27th of February 2011, Cluj-Napoca


            During 24th - 27th of February 2011, an A.A.M. Nippon delegation has participated at Cluj, to the international seminar led by Shihan Yukimitsu Kobayashi, 7dan, the official representative of Aikikai Hombu Dojo.

            Details and Photos ....




International Seminar with Shihan Koichi Fujii

25th - 28th of November 2010, Cluj-Napoca


            During 25th - 28th of November 2010, an A.A.M. Nippon delegation has participated to the international seminar led by Shihan Koichi Fujii 7th Dan Aikikai Aikido, president of the Aikido Sapporo Association.



National Seminar led by Vilko Vriesman Sensei

29th - 31th of October, 2010, Cluj-Napoca


            Between 29th - 31st of October 2010 an A.A.M. Nippon delegation has participated to the national seminar led by Wilko Vriesman Sensei, 5th Dan, technical Director of Dutch Aikikai Foundation (DAF), Aikido Aikikai Federation from Slovenia and of Aikikai Organization of United Arabian Emirates.



National Seminar led by Shihan Motohiro Fukakusa

22th - 25th of July 2010, Cluj-Napoca


            During July 22nd - 25th 2010, a team of representative members from the A.A.M. Nippon participated at the international seminar with Shihan Motohiro Fukakusa, 7 Dan Aikido Aikikai, Aikikai Thailand president..

            Details and Photos ....


Outdoor Weapon Training

July - August, Botanical Garden, Iasi


            Summer vacation came after July 1st and indoor training was replaced by outdoor practice in the in the middle of the nature, at Iasi's Botanical Garden.

            The main theme of these kind of training is the improvement of traditional weapon combat: iaito, boke, jo, tanto.



Degree examination session

22nd of May, 2010, Iasi


            On Saturday, 22nd May 2010, at the Unirea Sports Club's training hall, the examination session for six Nippon Association members, who promoted to superior rank, took place.



Aikido - Aikikai International Seminar

26th - 28th of March 2010, Cluj


            During this period some representative members of the Nippon A.A.M. honored the invitation of our friends from the de Aikido Aikikai Romania Foundation, participating at a seminar in Cluj with the occasion of the official opening of the centrar dojo of the Foundation, in the presence of the official representative of Aikikai Hombu Dojo, Yukimitsu Kobayashi Shihan, 7th Dan.

            Details and photos....


Training and degree examination in Bucuresti

12 - 13 martie 2010, Bucuresti


            In the period 12th -13th of March 2010, a delegation consist of Catalin Ungureanu, Daniel Timpu and Gabriel Bejenariu enjoyed the hospitality of the Nippon A.A.M. Bucharest Group members.

            Details and photos....




Muntii Rodnei

26 - 30 decembrie 2009


            De cativa ani buni Asociatia de Arte Martiale Nippon Iasi isi petrece revelioanele la munte. In decembrie 2009 locul a fost stabilit: localitatea Sant din judetul Bistrita-Nasaud .....

            Detalii si fotografii....


Sesiune examene grad

12 decembrie 2009, Iasi


            Sambata, 12 dec. 2009, s-a desfasurat la sala de antrenamente de la Clubul Sportiv Unirea, Iasi, sesiunea de examinare pentru membrii Asociatiei "Nippon", in vederea promovarii la grade superioare.



Stagiu cu Soke Keido Yamaue (VI)

02 - 05 octombrie 2009


            In perioada 02-05.10.2009, Asociatia Nippon l-a avut pentru a treia oara ca oaspete pe Soke Keido Yamaue, intemeietor si presedinte al International Bujutsu University, 10 dan Yamaue Ryu Aikijutsu si 10 dan Nord Shaolin Kung Fu.



Piatra Craiului

20 - 27 august 2009




            » Video youtube


Stagiu aikido - aikikai

30 iulie - 2 august 2009, Cluj


            La invitatia Federatiei Romane de Aikido Aikikai din Cluj, trei membri ai AAM Nippon au participat la un seminar international condus de Sensei Koichii Fujii, 6 dan.



Rafting pe Siret

09 mai 2009


            Consecventi planului lansat anul trecut de a efectua o tura nautica pe Siret, in ziua de 9 mai 2009 membrii Nippon au trecut la fapte. Noua persoane si patru barci au plecat de la Pascani strabatand o distanta de aproximativ 24 km pe firul apei pana la podul de pontoane de la Cosmesti.



Demonstratie aikido-aikijutzu

11 aprilie 2009, Sala Sporturilor, Iasi


            La invitatia clubului DAO, Asociatia "Nippon" a prezentat o demonstratie de aikido si aikijutzu cu ocazia campionatului national de Quan-ki-do.

            » Demo video youtube


Stagiu aikido - kenjutsu

10 -12 aprilie 2009, Iasi


            In perioada 10 - 12 aprilie 2009 am participat la un stagiu combinat:

            - aikido, condus de Sensei George Koliopoulos, 6 dan aikido-aikikai, presedinte al Asociatiei Elene de Aikido;

            - kenjutsu si iaido, condus de Sensei Ognjan Kozsuharov, 5 dan iaido, 4 dan jodo, 4 dan aikido-aikikai.


Stagiu arme

30 ianuarie - 01 februarie 2009, Iasi


            La invitatia colegilor de la Clubul Sportiv Marubashi am participat la un stagiu de arme condus de sensei Viorel Lungu, 2 dan Aikido,de la Federatia Elena de Aikido.
